I was talking to some friends recently about this and they are on the fence. Some of them were telling us how they have heard and seen older men gawking at little girls or tweens in bikinis. It is disgusting and revolting. Children are being sexualized far too fast.
With all the child pornography and graphic images out there I really do think that little girls shouldn’t be allowed to wear bikinis or push up bras. So many people are perverts and we are just encouraging them. I would much rather have my children safe then them looking “cute”. In the long run, what matters more? Your child staying safe or looking cute?
It is one thing for a baby to wear a bikini, but I do think that older girls and toddlers should just stay away from them. A baby in a string bikini is sickening in my mind. A tankini? Em, er, I am not too crazy about them, but it is better then some things out there. I do want to point out that if you let your toddler/little girl wear a bikini she will want to wear one as she gets older.
We don’t let our girls wear bikinis. They wear rash guards or once piece suits that are age appropriate, but cute. I don’t think that young girls should wear bikinis. Would you put your child in her underwear and let her walk around?
I am not saying that girls who wear bikinis are asking to be gawked at, I am simply saying that some are inappropriate for children. My one friend informed me that her husband works on a cruise ship and if you could hear half the comments that the other workers make about the children in bikinis you would cover them up.
So what do you think? Should little girls be allowed to wear bikinis?

I’m not a mother but I hope to be someday and I think it’s absolutely disturbing to see young girls in bikinis. While I can understand a tankini at the age of 12 or 13 if the girl is rather tall, I don’t expect to see anyone under 15 in a string bikini. I say string bikini because they have several “sportier” looking bikinis that girls should wear. I will admit I bought a bikini without my mothers permission but I was so scared that I would get in trouble for even owning it that it stayed in the back of my closet for years (until I grew out of it). I recently saw 13 year olds looking for string bikini’s in Victoria’s Secret and immediately became light-headed.
That being said I bought my first ‘allowed’ bikini with my mother at 17. I tried it on and stepped out of the dressing room to show my mother & was greeted with unwanted cat calls and looks. I was so horrified that I started crying and ran back into the room, changed into my clothes, and ran back to the car. I NEVER had any insecurities about any part of my body until that moment. I’m now almost 22 and I’ve come a long way, but girls are not prepared for that kind of attention. They may feel that they are but they really aren’t.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who feels this way, it’s refreshing.
If those pretty little girls had ANY idea at all what kind of filthy old “Chuck E. Cheese rejects” would primarily be viewing those pictures of theirs, they’d be pretty damn UPSET!!!