Fashionable Media Review Policy: the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing provided the featured product for this review to me, at no cost. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Everyone wants to have a good sleep. I know I do. Getting a good night’s rest enables me to be a better mother, have a better outlook when things go wrong and is just plain good for my health. Part of getting a good night’s sleep is being comfortable. That usually means having a good mattress and pillow to fall asleep on. I’m pretty particular when it comes to both of these products, especially since we upgraded our mattress last year – can you say heavenly? My husband and I love our new mattress! Pillows are much harder to buy, in my opinion, because you can’t tell how they are going to work until you go to sleep on them.
Last year I received a little travel pillow at an event and fell in love with it so much when it fell apart, due to a little person taking a pair of scissor to it and my frequent washings, I was on the hunt for one made with the same materials. I had basically made my choice and was deciding on ordering when we got pitched for Kohl’s Home Classics Pillow. Guess what materials it’s made of? Yep, the exact same as the pillow I wanted. Providence intervened, I’d say. 😉
I love my new pillow. It is fluffy without being too fluffy. It flattens without staying flattened. I can mold it under my shoulder and head just so that it feels like my head is on a cloud. I’m not saying that will be your experience but it is mine and I have no complaints about this pillow, as of yet. It is very comfortable and has met all my expectations so far.
I like to wash my pillows. There’s just something about having something clean beneath my head. I have not had to wash this Kohl’s Home Classics Pillow yet so I have no idea how it will hold up. I plan to keep it away from my children and keep it double cased to protect it from getting soiled too frequently to help it last longer.
I highly recommend Kohl’s Home Classics Pillow if you are shopping for a new one, especially if you like something not too soft and not too firm beneath your head at night.
Sweet dreams to me tonight! 😉

I’ll have to check these out the next time I’m there..we always seem to need new pillows.
A good pillow is a must for a good night sleep! I would die if someone destroyed mine! lol!
I so need a new pillow! I’m going to have to look into these!
We are always buying pillows because we can’t seem to find ones we like. Gonna check these out.
my husband just bought pillows-memory foam ones I think–too bad I didn’t know about these before hand-thanks for the review
We are so in need of new pillows! I will be checking them out as I love Kohls!