None of us want to be that mom, and by that mom I mean the mom dragging screaming kids through the store.
Not only do you disturb other customers, but at the same time you stress yourself as a mom out and potentially irritate tired kids even more.
The question is, is it worth it to take young children shopping? Or do we just wait until daddy comes home or grandma is available to babysit?
Like everything, shopping with kids has its pros and cons. On the one hand shopping with kids is stressful, a ton of work, incredibly nerve wracking, and often you encounter tantrums from hungry, fussy kids.
On the other hand, shopping without kids requires that you either make late night shopping trips, find a sitter; which lets be honest, who wants to pay someone to babysit when you could simply bring the kids. OR waiting for daddy to either go shopping or watch the kids.
Fact of the matter is, you have to do what is right for your family. If you have a newborn, let daddy do the shopping. Sometimes as a mom you have to learn when to give in and when to pick your battles. Sometimes your kids will behave and you’ll actually have a blast shopping with little ones. Othertimes it will be a complete disaster.
There really is no right or wrong answer here. Just go with what works for you at this season in your life. Just remember that as a mom, you only get to baby your kids for a short time. So love them, and all the little inconveniences now.