Leg warmers are a popular and growing trend, not just for adults, but kids too!
Sweet little BabyLegs all over the world are being exposed to the chilly air because of gapiosis.
What is Gapiosis? The space between the sock and the bottom of the pant, often accentuated by being held in arms or by being placed in a carrier, stroller, or buggy.
Ah! So leg warmers are actually a must-have item for all babies, toddlers, and kids!
Our solution… BabyLegs , exclusively from Mom4Life.
BabyLegs are chic leg warmers just for kids that come in an astonishing variety of prints, patterns, and colors. You will be amazed at how many different ones there are to choose from and I guarantee you won’t be able to pick just one pair!
They have everything from funky rocker styles to sweet, mod styles.

And celebrities are in on this one too. Kat Dennings from ER and CSI, Kevin Weissman from Alias, Laura Leighton from CSI Miami and Boston Legal, Tony Hale from Fox’s Arrested Development, Shirley Brener, Jean Luisa Kelly from Yes, Dear, Lisa and Joni from America’s Next Top Model, Angie Harmon, Dianne Farr from Number3rs, Bill Bellamy, Tia Carrere, Amy Acker from Alias, and Joely Fisher, just to name a few!
I have a pair of BabyLegs for my little bambino and we both love them! She 6 months old and has long legs, and they look so cute bunched up with a cute onesie on top. We have the “Argyle” print. I definitely need to buy more though because they are just too cute!
Some select prints and colors are on sale right now for $10 – $12 and others cost $14. You can purchase them online at Mom4Life.com. Well worth the price since you will keep them for years. They are one size fits all, and can fit newborns right up until they are 10 years old. But believe me, you’ll want to buy another pair between now and then because you are sure to use these cute little leg warmers so much you’ll wear them out and have to buy another pair!
We love these leg warmers and highly recommend them!

How cute are these!?! I’m starting to dabble in a little sewing so I wonder if I could make something like them using shirt arms. They would probably be too baggy and sag down to the ankles, lol. I guess the whole point of making something at home would be to have the appearance being professional (which so far I haven’t achieved on my machine, lol)