Now you can be the star of your own online holiday greeting – launched today, Animoto Holiday Greetings ( are an easy, quick and inexpensive way to create and share unique holiday greetings with family and friends, using your own photos and music. Animoto videos are the perfect way to visually capture and show off your 2008 memories and express the sentiments of the holidays through personal photos, set to the beat of your favorite song.
Combining professional-quality effects, a whimsical snowscape background and a new text feature, Animoto Holiday Greetings stand out as the most personalized, vivid, and festive way to send online holiday sentiments to loved ones via email, blogs, personal websites, social networks, YouTube or mobile phones.
And, Animoto is on the nice list for your wallet – 30-second videos are FREE, full length videos are $3, and an annual subscription is $30 for unlimited full length videos. Animoto videos can be downloaded in DVD-quality too for just $5.