I recently learned of Greenie Tots, a company offering tasty, all-natural ready-made meals. Greenie Tots meals are made from fresh organic produce (their supplier is a local organic farm in Florida) and the other ingredients used, are Whole Foods’ 365 brands. Greenie Tots meals contain no additives, pesticides, hormones or high fructose corn syrup. The packaging is made from recycled materials and the plastic the food is cooked in contains no BPA. Greenie Tots is a meatless fresh frozen meal (see below for YouTube video link for more details) that is minimally processed and for children ages 6 months-12 years. Each meal is made to order and overnight shipped in a cooler. The meals have a 3 month expiration date from the date of shipment and must be kept frozen until used.
Greenie Tots offers several entrees that include: Sweet Potatoes & White Beans, Pasta Marinara & Lentils, “Chicken†Nuggets & Sweet Potatoes, “Chicken”, Cheese, & Spinach Quesadilla with Mixed Vegetables and Pasta & Spinach, “Meatâ€. Then they have their pureed carrots, peas, pears and apples for infants and toddlers.
The meals may be heated in a microwave, but the alternative is to boil them in water and voila, from package to table in five minutes!
Greenie Tots generously sent us a couple of complimentary samples, so I have had experience with this product. They were a time saver and very well received by two of my little ones.
Instead of making trips to places like McDonald’s, etc. on days you are on the run, have some meals from Greenie Tots in your freezer that will provide a fast, healthy meal once you get home.
http://www.youtube.com/user/greenietots – NBC South Florida Interview with the Hemmings.

I think this is a really great idea and I hope the company soars. I bought the stage two purees for my six month old twins and they loved it. The purees have a bright color to them and I had to sample it. They taste really good and I know your babies will love it too.