If you have small children, getting out for a walk can be a challenge. And when you think about trying to take the kids with you a stupid umbrella stroller, well you probably feel like just staying home. I don’t blame you! But I have news for you sister… you ain’t getting out of it that easy!
Mutsy 4 Rider
Available at: mystrollers.com
Say hello to Mutsy!
I don’t leave home without my Mutsy 4Rider Light Stroller. You wouldn’t think that there would be a huge difference between a cheap Graco stroller from Wal Mart and a nice high-end stroller, but WOWEEE! HUGE difference. Bumps that once shook your poor infant into a coma seem like fluffy clouds passing by. It pushes sooooo easily and effortlessly, plus the handles are adjustable and putting it together is totally intuitive.
It’s very easy to fold up and take with you in the trunk of your car. I really love mine and now that I’ve had and used such a fantastic stroller, I have no idea how I lived without it. It really is indispensable. The only thing missing from this stroller is a cup holder. But it’s so easy to push with one hand, that it’s absence doesn’t bother me too much.
eBabyPlace says
I work for ebabyplace.com and Mutsy strollers are great! They sell like hotcakes.
People can find the full line of these strollers as well as other great items at great prices at http://www.ebabyplace.com/category/strollers/brand/mutsy.html