Ok, so this may not be exactly what most of us usually would find in our stockings, but think “green” here. If you are like me, the more you learn about going green, the more you think that going green is really the way to consciously make the world a better place to live by taking care of what we already have at our disposal. Therefore, without further adieu, I introduce to you the Ionic Bulb – a unique stocking stuffer for the last minute shopper!
The Ionic Bulb is an energy-saving light bulb that comes equipped with a patented air purifying microchip ion emitter that is powered by the bulb’s own energy. Unlike standard incandescent bulbs, the Ionic Bulb silently emits negative ions that help clear the air of smoke, dust, pent dander, odors, allergens and airborne viruses.
Imagine using 75% less energy to light your home or office. The Ionic Bulb uses just a quarter of the wattage of standard bulbs to produce the same amount of light. That alone could save you hundred on your electric bill. Plus, the Ionic Bulb lasts 10 times as long as incandescent bulbs- up to seven years – saving you the cost and hassle of frequently replacing bulbs. With the average American household spending an estimated $1400 each year on energy bills and indoor air pollution on the rise, the Ionic Bulb meets two unique sets of demand with one innovative product.”
Doesn’t this seem like a great new green product?! I think so and would love to try some out! They are not cheap at the price of $19.99 per bulb, but I think that the savings up front makes up for the initial gulp factor for one Ionic Bulb. This could be a significantly small step to greening our homes. I would like to see more studies and hear more testimonials on how effective they actually are, but that will only happen as more of us bite the bullet and buy them, right?
The Ionic bulb can be purchased 877.822.5201 at any time or by visiting www.newionicbulb.com.
For more information, also see the Ionic Bulb Video.

It’s actually 2 for the price of 1 when you call the number from the commercial. Can’t wait to try them out when I get them.
This is a GREAT idea! And the infomercial says that you can get 2 of them for $19.99. These things will last a long time and keep the air breathable!
Works great!
I am a smoker and I see the difference after couple of days of using the bulbs.