I was sent a complimentary set of PowerHouse Hit the Deck cards. Due to my current condition, I won’t be using them anytime soon, but I look forward to using them in nine months time. However, from examining the cards and reading the instructions, I do think this is a potentially good product, especially for busy moms. You all know how precious our time is and that maximizing it is always to our advantage. This set of 35 cards seems to be uniquely designed to cater to our needs, ladies! Whether you prefer a dvd for your fitness program, being a member of a fitness club or running in the park, PowerHouse Hit the Deck cards does offer a program that could compliment or supplement part of your fitness regimen. As always, use caution before starting any new exercise program and if you have any existing health conditions consult with your doctor before you begin.
The cards are divided into three different levels of intensity (they make me smile :-)):
1.) No Sweat – cards 1-10
2.) I’m Glistening – cards 11-20
3.) Sweating Buckets – cards 21-30
30 workout cards, plus five cards with warm up and cool down exercises. They are easy to read and follow. Also included, as shown in the photo above, is a plastic interval timer.
The problem I have with the cards is the image of the woman illustrating the exercises. She has rippling abs, bulging biceps and extremely toned thighs and calves. If she isn’t a computer generated picture and she desires to look like that then I don’t have any problems. The problem is in the message that it could send to all of us moms who are still bearing children and struggling to get the extra weight off between children. The portrayal that all females can achieve this look is wrong in the world we live in. We can’t because each of us is different and cannot possibly fit a cookie cutter mold for the fit and trim woman. The thing each of us has to learn is what our normal is and aim for that.
The PowerHouse Hit the Deck cards retail for $19.99. Visit PowerHouse Performance Coaching for more information.