I know many of you have probably been following the earthquake aftermath in Haiti. The pictures, videos and stories all tell the devastation an already poverty stricken country is facing. Can you imagine the hopelessness and despair that the people of Haiti are experiencing? Our problems seem so small in comparison, don’t they?
There have been numerous countries that have sent workers, supplies and evacuations for those citizens of select countries. You just have to feel for all the workers too because amidst the devastation there is chaos, blocked streets, fallen buildings, and lack of supplies even with what is being brought in – I read of a Haitian doctor whose house had not toppled during the quake and he was basically running a triage center out of his home. At the time that I read the article, he was housing approximately 100 people, most of whom needed medical attention in some form or another. They had lost 18 patients, the worst loss for him was a pregnant woman who apparently had internal bleeding. They preformed the c-section, but were unable to save the baby either. He said it was a difficult loss because he knew what to do but did not have the equipment to do it. So sad, eh?
Among the things that I have read and saw, I think the photo of a baby or a child no older than 2-years-old dead in the street all covered with gray dust from the debris. It just breaks my heart to think of all the orphans, the parents who have lost children and their homes. Another other image that stands out to me, besides all the fallen buildings, is the make shift tents created out of sticks and thin sheets.
Are you doing anything in support of the relief efforts? There are many organizations to decide where to send a donation. I came across some mom bloggers (Money Saving Mom, who started it all and The Happy Housewife where I learned of the project) who are hosting the “Help Haiti Project” and when I read what they were doing, it inspired my family and I. We will be giving a bit of money to a family in our area who has family in Haiti. It seems like a small sacrifice compared to all that the Haitians are going through right now. If you have done or are planning to support the relief efforts in some way, please share it with us.

New high resolution pictures on the destruction from the 2010 Haiti Earthquake have been posted from on the ground in Port-Au-Prince and Jacmel