Complimentary product was provided in exchange for a written review. This in no way affects our opinions or thoughts about the Friendship Bags, even though we consider it a privilege to receive free products.
I found Daisy Cook’s website while doing some research and contacted her regarding writing a review about her Friendship Bags. She generously provided a Butterfly Victorian Pink Style. This is just in time for Valentine’s Day! I think most young girls will love these Friendship Bags.
As you can see in the picture the Victorian Pink is pink with pink flowers trimmed with purple. It has silver rhinestones and a pink/purple/tourquoise paisley background. It opens via a magnetic clasp, which is a very easy clasp for even very young girls.
The unique thing about the Friendship Bags is the fact that it is actually a two-in-one bag. It is detachable so that it may be shared and interchanged with friends or sisters who have a Friendship Bag. Each purse also has an inner pocket to store their lip balm or lip gloss depending upon their age.
The Friendship Bag held a delightful little surprise that created quite a stir in the curiosity of my girls. Inside each Friendship Bag is a plastic card saying to look for your secret code. The secret code is actually sewn into a tag along the inside seam within the both Friendship Bags, so my girls each got their own secret codes. It has to be cut out, so for young fingers it is probably best for a parent to cut it out so the purse doesn’t accidentally get snipped in the process.
Then armed with the secret code you visit Rebelle Friendship Bags’ website and click “Sign Up”. There you will be required to enter your name, email address, parent’s email address for those under the age of 12 and your secret code.
Once sign up is complete, your secret code leads you to the Design Studio! This is an interactive area where girls get to have fun designing clothes for the Rebelle Girlz. There is also an area where they can create their own patterns, save their creations to their portfolio or even email the owner of Rebelle, Daisy Cook, for her to consider their creations for future Rebelle projects. Our girls really loved this! It is such a wonderful tool to get girls involved in creating their own brand of fashion.
A+ for Rebelle Friendship Bags
My two youngest girls really like their new purses!

I came across your article as I was surfing yahoo. It’s worth reading and sharing to others. Thanks for sharing great ideas. God Bless.