It occurred to me the other day that after six months of writing for The Fashionable Bambino, I still feel like I don’t know all of you, our readers! Without you, there’d be no blog!
So, over the next couple of days, I am inviting all of you to share some things with me. I have been doing a lot of sharing over the past several months and now it’s your turn! Are you up to the challenge? Do you have ideas brewing that need to be shared? Now is your chance, so, please, everyone, let’s make this a huge group effort, okay? And if you don’t have a tip or suggestion, then feel free to share some of your favorite topics, products and news from what that we’ve passed along to you.
The first topic is going to be on Money Saving Tips for 2010. We feature a wide variety of products on TFB and they are not always cheap, so how are you planning to get those much wanted and needed items for your family this year? Or how are you working on improving your spending, budgets and saving this year? Or are you even changing anything?
I want you all to have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with others, so here’s your chance! Let’s hear your Money Saving Tips for 2010!