Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
How often do you misplace or lose your shopping lists, especially your grocery list and cannot find it when you are ready to go out the door? The Supermarket Smarty is a new grocery list tool that will help you keep track of your list and save you time. It is actually a reuseable card that folds and has the products categorized according to food groups and product type. I haven’t noticed that it is missing anything yet and have had it for nearly a month. It is a pretty thorough list. However, I did notice that if you shop at more than one store then there really isn’t a way to distinguish where you will buy the item or put the sale price, unless you made notes in between the columns – that space is limited though.
The Supermarket Smarty includes a dry erase marker, a large magnet that has the ability to hold the marker too, as well as a little pocket for a small amount of coupons. On the front side of the card there is a small window that acts as a magnifying glass to help shoppers with the small print on products when they want to read the ingredient list.
I really like the Supermarket Smarty and think it is a very useful tool that enables me to keep track of my grocery shopping needs easily and conveniently since I can keep it in the kitchen on the refrigerator. I also like the fact that I don’t have to write everything down. I just need to enter quantities. Although, there is a little section for notes, so I guess that is where I could list the stores that I want to go.
Take a tour and look at the product up close at the following link:
You may also buy the Supermarket Smarty for $12.99 at