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As parents we all know how important money management is in life. We are also aware that most public school curriculum does not include instruction on how to manage money. Feeding Penny the Pig is a children’s book written to help parents begin teaching their children about money, how to be responsible with it and their chores.
Feeding Penny the Pig is a well written book and a whimsical children’s story. Our younger ones enjoyed it. It was a bit childish for our older ones, but that is to be expected from a book geared towards kids 4-8 years old. We all thought it was a cute story to help teach small children about money. There are so few money books on the market that it definitely fills a void.
This book was written by Jeannine Fox, who is a Certified Public Accountant and a grandmother who is concerned with the future of her grandkids. She says, “Our country is paying the price now for overspending, credit abuse and other irresponsible money management. If we teach kids at a young age to save money, we can prevent these problems from happening again.”
Are we doing our part to prepare our children for the future?
Mrs. Fox’s website is and her book is available at major bookstores for about $14.95.