Just got this word from Action for Healthy Kids…
This spring, Action for Healthy Kids (www.ActionForHealthyKids.org) is introducing a monthly e-newsletter just for parents! It will feature tips, tools, recipes and ideas to help kids eat right and be active every day so they are ready to learn. To receive this e-newsletter, send your email address to info@ActionforHealthyKids.org.
Be sure to check out the Action for Healthy Kids Family Corner for information and a variety of resources to help kids make healthy choices at home and school. Find the Family Corner at: http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/addressing-the-issue/family-corner/
About Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids® is the nation’s leading nonprofit and largest volunteer network fighting childhood obesity and undernourishment by working with schools to improve nutrition and physical activity to help our kids learn to eat right, be
active every day and be ready to learn. We provide expertise, volunteers, programs and resources nationwide through a unique collaboration of thousands of professionals, parents, educators, community volunteers and students, in partnership
with more than 65 professional associations, government agencies and corporations. More information is available at ActionforHealthyKids.org, on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Action-for-Healthy-Kids/267076500068?ref=mf and on
Twitter at https://twitter.com/Act4HlthyKids.

What kids need is inspiration and you should try showing them videos of kids doing their best to stay fit on http://www.fitkid.tv. That is how I encourage my kids
.-= Paul Preston´s last blog ..Who’s Watching Them When We Aren’t Around? =-.