Ok, maybe some of you have heard about this unusual story, but the email in our inbox was the first I had heard of it. This is quite unbelievable, yet what people do these days shouldn’t really surprise me. A woman named, Donna Simpson is determined to be the “fattest woman in the world” and Dr. Siegal, of the Cookie Diet, has offered her $50,000 to stop the “madness” for her health and family’s well-being. I am honestly not sure what to think. It just makes me feel very sad. I had the opportunity to conduct an e-interview with Dr. Siegal and Ms. Simpson and am waiting to receive their response. I hope to post the interview later this week.
In the mean time, here’s what the initial email told us:
World Renowned Weight-Loss Expert to Pay $50,000 to put a STOP to “Fattest Woman in the World” FAT MADNESS!
I hope all is well. I’m sure you’ve heard about all the hype surrounding Donna Simpson’s quest to be “the fattest woman in the world”, weighing in at 1,000 lbs. World-renowned weight-loss expert Dr. Sanford Siegal is appalled by her actions and digging into his own pocket to pay Donna the sum of $50,000 if she agrees to stop gaining and start losing. He is paying her to save her life, and sent her a certified letter today stating this.
Skeptics say that $$ and attention was Donna’s motive for pulling this weight gain stunt in the first place (but she’s going to have to abide by rules in order to score the prize):
* $10,000 to IMMEDIATELY stop trying to gain weight and agree not to resume doing so in the future.
* Begin a weight-loss diet under a doctor’s supervision.
* The remainder of the $50,000 will be paid in stages as Donna loses weight.
* $10,000 for every 100 pounds Donna loses until she reaches 200 pounds, at which point she will have received a total of $50,000.
In Dr. Siegal’s opinion Donna Simpson is committing a prolonged suicide. Human beings are not made to weigh 1,000 pounds – let alone consume 12,000 calories a day (Donna’s minimum intake!). Donna has children and a husband who she should be thinking of spending a long life with not shortening her minutes by each bite she takes…
About Dr. Siegal
Dr. Sanford Siegal is a practicing physician, author, and weight-loss pioneer whose South Florida medical practice, Siegal Medical Group, has treated more than 500,000 overweight patients. Although he has received recognition for his books on topics including high fiber diets, hunger control, and hypothyroidism, he is best known as the Cookie Doctor® behind the internationally popular Dr. Siegal’s COOKIE DIET® (www.CookieDiet.com) weight-loss approach and foods. Dr. Siegal is an obesity and thyroid expert who has helped hundreds of thousands of people and based in NYC, Miami and LA.

This is infuriating. Why does our society reward people who let themselves get obese? Shows like The Biggest Loser, etc. allowing overweight individuals to win money and prizes, and now THIS. Where is my reward for maintaining a healthy body weight? If people want to kill themselves with food, LET THEM. We have a population problem and a food shortage in a large percent of the world – let natural selection do its work.
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I should post these photos on my fridge or inside the door of my snack cupboard. I think I would lose alot of weight very quickly!
I think it’s great that she’s getting offered this money. She went way to far and if this is a way to help her get on track then let it be. But she has to lose weight!