Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
I think most of us love the clothing from The Children’s Place. Their clothing is well made, washes up great and they out do themselves in their styles and fashionable outfits. Remember Celebrity Moms even shop at The Children’s Place! We have some great PR reps for The Children’s Place. They generously supplied my son with a couple of new shirts to match his brothers! Two months ago I reviewed their spring vests/shirts and a “twirling” dress that our daughter loves.
The two new spring shirts my middle son received where not linen, like his brothers, they are cotton. They do require touch up ironing if you don’t grab them from the dryer right away, which we are terrible at accomplishing, thus the reason we iron! I love the yellow and blue checked one, but both the yellow and lavender striped shirts look good on my little guy. He wasn’t very happy to perform his modeling requirements yesterday morning, but did well to give his big sister some fabulous smiles despite his chagrin at having to try on, get a photo, change, try on the second shirt and finally get back into his every day clothes. If it were Sunday morning, we wouldn’t have had any grimaces because he’d be excited to be going to see his church friends! (wry smile!) But I needed to get this review up so we did what we had to do, right? Below are a couple of pictures of “Jumpy” (he’s very active!) in his new duds:
And a couple of mug shots, just for fun:
Photos courtesy of Theresa Gould
These shirts retail for $16.50 and it looks like their stock is limited because I only found one other checked dress shirt for $14.50, but on sale for $6.50! What a steal! They also have a 40% Off Sale on select items and a $5.00 shipping offer for those who like to shop online. Might want to check it out if you like to shop for discounted items and really, who doesn’t like sales?
2nd review
Celebrity Moms Love The Children’s Place