Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Happy Blankie is another product with an inspiring story behind it. Two years ago a 7-year-old boy came up with an idea. A really good idea that combined his little sister’s love of stuffed animals and her beloved blankies, to create something special that would make children around the world happy! When David shared his idea with his family, they fell in love with it too and soon Happy Blankie was established.
There are four characters in the Happy Blankie line – Giggle, the Happy Pig, which is the face of a pink plush pig with a huge smile. This was Happy Blankie’s first creation. Then came three more smiling friends in the form of more animals – Tumble the Happy Bear, Stomp the Happy Frog, and Chase the Happy Dog.
David’s mom, Emily, came up with their second great idea and that was to give a blanket away to a needy child for every Happy Blankie they sold. Not only that, but to let the consumer choose where they wanted the blankie sent too! Thus, the mission of Happy Blankie was born, One to Love, One to Give, making people happy two blankets at a time.
We received Chase the Happy Dog to review and our son loves it. It is soft and furry on one side, just like a plush animal and the other side is a silky satin material that is soft and smooth. I thought it was a perfect combination, a warm, furry side for the winter months and a cool, silky side for the hot summer months. Chase is big enough to look like a long robe or bath towel around our two-year-old, but would make a great cape for older children :-). It is machine washable in cold, tumble dry on low. Chase washed up really nice, remained soft to the touch and just as loveable, if not more so now that he is officially “used”.
I think Chase the Happy Dog will become a fast favorite in our house. As a matter a fact, all our children couldn’t help but comment on how cute and soft the blankie is.
The way the we, as consumers, choose where we want the One to Give to go is by registering at and entering a special number on the little card that comes attached with our Happy Blankie.
Thanks Happy Blankie for sharing your story and for creating such a unique product to spread happiness to children around the world.
The Happy Blankies retail at $29.00 and you also have the option of having your child’s name embroidered onto it for an additional $10.00, which is a great idea considering how attached some children get to their blankies. Please visit for a video of David, more details about their newly launched product line.