Recently I tried a new pregnancy bar (well, new to me anyway) called Belly Bars. Cute name, isn’t it? They were very good! The first one I tried was called Mellow Oat which is oat graham and yogurt covering half of the bar. I like snacky foods that come coated with yogurt. With my iron still low, these Belly Bars have 18 mg iron, plus 800mg of Folic Acid and 8 g of Protein. Very good for expectant mamas! The other flavors I tried were just as tasty – Baby Needs Chocolate Chocolate Toffee Crisp 🙂 (How convenient, eh?!) and Berry Nutty Craving Yogurt Berry Crunch.
I also tried the Belly Bar Due for Chocolate Milkshake. Chocolate lovers will thoroughly enjoy this product! It was very good too, made with real milk without any growth hormones and provides mamas with 8 g of protein in its little 8.25 fl oz container. Not bad and definitely helpful to battle morning sickness and nausea – the protein that is. A friend said she was able to keep her nausea at bay by keeping her protein intake up, so since I am still experiencing some bouts of nausea at times I have kept that in mind so I try and eat a snack or meal filled with extra protein.
The bars and shakes are fortified with all the supplemental nutrients required in a normal pregnancy. The more notable nutrients we expectant mamas need the Bellybar has as I mentioned: 800 mg Folic Acid, 8 g Protein and 18 mg of Iron. While Bellybar products are made with no GMOs or growth hormones, they are not certified organic, even though they are labeled “All Natural” because ingredients like brown rice syrup, cane juice etc. No high fructose corn syrup and the like.
I have found them hard to find in my area and would really like to find a store that stocks them all the time or else I will just have to buy them online. They really gave me extra energy and took that nauseous feeling away – at least for me because I don’t want to make any false claims by saying all pregnancy women will experience the same thing!
Here is Belly Bars official website for you to check out for yourself