Have you considered having a Green Father’s Day Weekend? I am continually learning about all of these environmentally friendly days and events. SolarDay 2010 is is Saturday, June 19th and falls on the same weekend as Father’s Day, which is Sunday, June 20th. So if you are interested in making your 2010 Father’s Day “greener”, consider the nationwide SolarDay events for Dad and the whole family. www.SolarDay.com
SolarDay 2010 – Saturday, June 19 – is a national day of recognition for solar energy, energy independence and protection of the planet.
It’s the day before Father’s Day and a great opportunity for Dad and the family to learn more about solar energy and reduce the family electricity bill for years to come. Don’t we all desire to cut down the cost of our bills? SolarDay 2010 events are being held in some U.S. cities. So if yours isn’t hosting an event, perhaps you’d like to get one organized!
Higher Family Electricity Bills and Reducing Our Need for Fossil Fuels
The cost of electricity continues to rise every year.
Addison Huegel, Executive Director of SolarDay recently stated “As if the cost of electricity was not a good enough reason to adopt solar energy using the available rebates, there is the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf that reminds us yet again about our reliance on fossil fuels and the fragility of our ecosystem.
“More and more people are adopting greener lifestyles for both ethical and economic reasons. Solar is a major component to green lifestyles. Let’s not forget that 50% of the electric energy produced in the U.S. is from burning coal. In China, 83% of the electricity is generated by burning coal.
Federal and State Solar Rebates
“Government support of solar on the state and Federal level has made solar affordable. People with solar installations for their homes and businesses can significantly reduce their monthly energy bills. And, there are many incentive and rebate programs that can reduce the cost of a solar installation by nearly half. Plus, new programs allow you to pay off your solar installation through your
property taxes and other methods. Some solar companies will install a solar installation at no cost – and simply charge you for the electricity you consume – at a guaranteed rate with no surprises.”
Nationwide SolarDay Events for the Public
The public is invited to attend the many events being held on Saturday, June 19 -SolarDay 2010. More information is available at: www.SolarDay.com

Green is the new pink, huh? Guess we should all just send our dads e-cards and thus save all the gas and stamps used to ship out the gifts. 🙂