Summer is basically here, well, in many parts anyways. It is definitely here in the Chicago area. Many of you may be sending your children to day camps or other summer camps. Even if you don’t participate in camps, this product that I am featuring today is useful in many other areas of our life.
So if you are sending your child to camp you will want them to be able to keep track of their belongings easily, as well as help others know that certain items belong to your child. Most people use labels of some form to do this. I don’t know about you, but most of the labels I have used or improvised with don’t stick after continual washings or dishwasher use. In my experience, laundry markers (the good kind that fabric stores sell) are about the only thing that has worked for fabrics.
However, Name Bubbles is a company offering many different types of personalized labels that are waterproof, dishwasher safe baby labels, and laundry safe kids labels.
Name Bubbles uses a “superior vinyl that infuses a non-toxic eco-friendly ink when printing, which provide fade-resistant durable labels.”
This company even offers a whole line of Camp Labels.
I think that parents of children suffering from allergies will appreciate their Allergy Alert label. Just think about how diligent you have to be when allowing your child to participate in activities outside your home. This is a great way to make other parents, teachers and caregivers aware of your child’s needs. A package of 48 costs $18.00 and you can fully customize the icon, allergy alert info, etc.
I know that for most of you your children are out of school, so you probably aren’t thinking of back-to-school supplies yet when your child’s backpack is barely unpacked, but I have already been anticipating the upcoming back-to-school sales coming up in July. So if you are like me and are trying to plan ahead now, then these school labels might appeal to you too. They are pricey, especially if you have more than one child – 144 label pack for $35.50. But if they really do what they say they do, then they are at least worth a try in my book.
Visit for their complete line of labels.

cheap and sexy…………….