Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
I know that we have featured lots of baby blankets, but we all have various tastes and desires in what we want in and from baby products. So it only seems logical to feature a wide variety of items, including baby blankets.
Luv My Woobie is a fashionable baby blanket. Yes, yet another unique baby blanket. It is very soft like chenille, trimmed in satin and appealing to the eye. For those who use pacifiers, you will be happy to know that the Luv My Woobie has a little pocket on the back side to store a pacifier. It even has a Velcro closure so hopefully no more losing pacifier! Those of us that don’t use pacifiers, our children will find it a fun little toy holder for the toys. Our 4-year-old has actually been using her Luv My Woobie in the car (and our 2-year-old has been using his Happy Blanket in the car) since the little ones get cold when we are running the air conditioner; while the rest of us are roasting!
I couldn’t decide whether or not to wait until August to see if we have another girl or just let my daughter use it, so I figured our Luv My Woobie may as well get used now.
The one thing that I missed when I took the opportunity to review Luv My Woobie is it’s fabric. The one my daughter got is pinks and browns with flowers – everything my daughter loves – except it has skulls on it. They are not scary skulls, they have bows, crowns, bandanas and flowers on their heads and hearts, X’s, and moons for eyes. Therefore they are almost feminine looking, as much as skulls can be. That is my only negative or complaint, if it can be called that because skulls just are not my preference. But my daughter doesn’t seem to mind and seems to think they are “little girls”. 🙂 Gotta love a child’s point of view! And I just found out that this Luv My Woobie is called Sydney and retails for $74.00! I really didn’t do my homework on this product, did I? Must have responded late at night or something! Wow, thanks Luv My Woobie!
Luv My Woobie comes in many different fabric choices so be sure to check their website for not only baby blankets, but their smaller travel blankets, burp clothes, bedding, accessories and even their organic line at

looks like exclusive, so the price is worth, i think i will buy one for my child.