Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by mo1netary compensation.
Well, I totally forgot to do this post before I left for the day! Here it is a little late, but here nonetheless. Ok, if any of you read this last night, then you will know that I thought I forgot to do my afternoon post for the day. That’s the reason why the first sentence is crossed out. Then as I am checking things out again and trying to get upcoming posts straight in my head, I realized I actually wanted Belly 9 to post on Friday morning, not Thursday afternoon! Talk about a long, tiring day and I keep using my pregnancy as an excuse for my seemingly “scatterbrained” ways, but really I think it is busyness, as in too much busyness and I don’t think it is going to let up anytime soon. So bear with me here, at least until this baby comes because I know I am going to do something out of the ordinary or forget to do something or another. And the only thing that is going to slow me down is a newborn who will need me 24/7.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled post…
Belly 9 is a cute little company offering maternity tees, tanks and baby tees and hat sets. These items are all American made in Los Angeles.
Here is how Belly 9 describes themselves:
Belly 9 Maternity T-shirts are fun, hip and flattering with something for every taste. Our Maternity T-shirts are made of soft, form fitted stretchy 100% cotton designed for growing bellies so it is never too early or too late to purchase our tees. We know that with our Belly 9 Maternity T-shirts, you’ll be showing your style for the whole 9 months.
First the negative – Belly 9 does not accomodate plus size mamas, so I am not sure they could accomodate an expectant mama expecting twins or any other multiples either.
The positives, their baby sets are very soft and have little shrinkage. The hat is bigger than other hats that I have seen in sets or even the hospital caps. We received the Milk, Milk, Milk set. I chose this because all babies seem to want is milk the first 6 months, plus it was cute. This set retails for $18.00. They have white and black available.
For the maternity tees, please visit