There seems to be many sensitivities in the chemical ridden world in which we live. I have a friend who has had to make many life style changes because of being chemically sensitive. Many of us, as well as our children are suffering from eczema or allergic reactions to products we have always used. That is why Noodle & Boo is the go-to company for many personal care products.
Noodle & Boo products are hypoallergenic and clinically tested, they are dermatologist tested for sensitive skin and their children’s products are pediatrician tested. They even have a complete line for newborns, babies, and children with eczema and sensitive skin. Their products are not tested on animals and are “certified organic”. Even their packaging is recyclable making Noodle & Boo a socially responsible company. Not only that, but they give back to charity – their slogan is “Together we can make a difference.”
Noodle & Boo products are products that have been featured in many mothering and pregnancy magazines. Kourtney and Scott are just one celebrity couple who is known to use Noodle & Boo. Kourtney was given the Sugar Mama Honey ScrubSugar Honey Scrub for mom from the glowology collection. However, there is Honey Child
Honey Child for children as well.
Noodle & Boo has the following products to offer: glowology for sensitive skin, glowology maternity, creme douce, complete baby line, bath time, body care, hands & feet, as well as special gifts. There is just too many products to list individually or to even choose to feature! So be sure to take a look around their site because there seems to be something for everyone in the family, but especially babies and expectant mamas.
Inspired by her children’s need for products developed for ultra-sensitive skin, Christine Burger founded Noodle & Boo. Working with professionals who specialize in natural, holistic skin care each exclusive formula is developed to nourish, replenish and protect especially delicate and sensitive skin. The company is lovingly named after Christine’s two young children, Andrew and Matthew, also known as Noodle and Boo.
Featured in:
Fit Pregnancy February-March 2010

And could Noodle & Boo have a cuter name? Doubtful.
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