Gotta love this:
I am all for breastfeeding in public, although, I am more of a discreet nursing advocate. But this comic cracks me up because it is so absurd to think of having an animal cover up while they are nursing their offspring.
This has been a huge controversial issue that has even had media in regards to women breastfeeding on airplanes, in restaurants and other public places. The breast has become such a sexualized body part that their other function, nourishing a child, seems to have been forgotten.
While it is my desire to protect the eyes of young boys and men who struggle with where their eyes roam, I also believe that a mother has the right to breastfeed her child where ever. I don’t think that women should have to hole themselves up in a bathroom stall – how gross, especially a public bathroom – or some other dungeon to feed her nursing child. Nursing a child is a natural bodily function and those that have a problem with it need to get over it.
Related Articles:
Celebrity Slam –
Kim Kardashian Slams Public Breastfeeding –
Law & Public Breastfeeding –
Breastfeeding Laws –
At a Tulsa Water Park this week – – My husband wondered what the difference was between a bikini clad woman at a water park and a woman possibly showing a bit of breast while nursing???

“protect the eyes of young boys and men who struggle with where their eyes roam”
THIS is part of the problem. Young boys don’t need to be protected – they need their mothers to explain that babies eat from breasts and that it is natural. MEN do not need to be protected – they are adults who should be able to avert their eyes and control themselves. Who is oversexualizing breasts? YOU are, when you say that they are something that males need “protection” from.
.-= Alternative Housewife´s last blog ..Things I Want Now =-.
I’d like to see you say that to all the women out there that have husband’s addicted to pornography. How sad they would feel. These men have no control and need help, so please don’t tell me men can control themselves because these addicts are proof some cannot. And I for one don’t want to be the cause of another’s “fall” or pain.
I don’t sexualize the breast, our culture does. Do you have blinders on to the billboards and media surrounding us? I have read that it is recommended (and I don’t have any sources right now) that children over three do not see their parents naked, any part of their body. Yet what is the culture’s wardrobe choices telling young children? Look at how Miley Cyrus is maturing her stage image and how do you think her fans will react? The same way that Brittany Spears’ fans did….fashion follows what these celebrities wear…after all isn’t that one of the topics we cover on this blog?
So, we should stop selling alcohol in stores because it could be a trigger for alcoholics? What about foot fetishests? Should I wear only close-toed shoes out in public. Why is it my job as a woman to protect a man from his own desires? That is incredibly sexist. Men are shirtless on the beach every year and I’m not plunging my hands down my panties with lust.
The comfort of my baby is always going to come before the comfort of strangers, especially adult strangers.
Does that rule about nudity extend to both parents or just the parent of the opposite sex? This makes me wonder how you feel about locker rooms in general. I’m 24 and still see my mother naked from time to time. It’s sad if you believe the human body exists ONLY for sexual pleasure and should be otherwise hidden.
You’re right – the media and society has sexualized the breast to a perverse level – but how are we going to take our bodies back from the over-sexed media if we continue to shield ourselves for the “protection” of perverted men?
Really this is nice collection for feeding this comfortable for nursing and great idea for feeding. I kept thinking to myself. The Breast Feeding Pouch has been designed to enable mothers to breast-feed their babies discreetly and comfortably in public. Everyone knows that “breast is best†but many women find breastfeeding in public intimidating and embarrassing. Often mother feel too self-conscious to feed their baby outside of the home and feel exposed and intimidated by stares they may receive. Thanks for sharing with us.