September is Bonding with Your Baby Month at Best Fed Babies.
Image: Sharron Goodyear /
The definition of bonding is:
a close personal relationship that forms between people (as between husband and wife or parent and child) (WorldNetWeb.Princeton); an intense emotional attachment
Bonding with your baby is one of the most important things a mother and father can do with/for them. Here are seven ways to bond with baby:
~ Developing an attachment in utero, whether that is automatic or by listing to music with baby (by using the LullaBelly), talking or reading and even praying for baby are ways to emotionally attach yourself to your baby.
~ Breastfeeding is known to bond mother and baby the best with the close contact, the loving hormones (oxytocin) that it creates within the mother and the affection and trust that it promotes. This is why skin to skin contact and placing baby on the mother is highly promoted.
~ Talking and singing to baby. Talk (or sing) to baby during baths, diaper changes or cradling in your arms. It’s also good for their brain development as this helps them store important language information for future use.
~ Looking at baby with eye to eye contact.
~ Touch. Cuddling, caressing baby’s head or stroking baby’s cheek or kissing helps baby know you love him or her. It is a known fact that many child left in orphanages have an emotional detachment due to lack of care and touch.
~ Wearing Baby. Using a baby carrier or wrap is a way to keep baby close and enhances the bond between you and your baby.
~ Co-sleeping. Baby was with you for nine months in your womb, that need does not change after birth, in fact it is probably equally important to keep baby close after birth to develop a deep bond with them. This is also a way working parents can make up for the time they are apart from baby during the day.
Simply responding to and caring for your baby’s daily needs are also a part of developing a strong emotional attachment with your baby, which is known as bonding.
In honor of Bonding with Your Baby Month Best Fed Babies is offering a FREE Breastfeeding Consult with every purchase at our NEW aSTORE
What do you do or have done to bond with your baby?
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