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Ok, here is the 25th Anniversary edition of The Nursing Mother’s Companion, written by Kathleen Huggins, R.N., M.S. More than one million copies of this book have been sold over its 25 years in existence; this being the sixth edition. Ms. Huggins has revised and updated this book to include topics on expressing and storing milk, balancing work and breastfeeding, as well as the challenges of nursing multiples.
The most significant updates include the latest information on breast pumps, even reviews, how to stimulate lactation to nurse an adopted child, updated World Health Organization weight charts, how to nurse a premature baby and different ways to introduce solid foods.
During my new son’s first six weeks of life, I found myself going to The Nursing Mother’s Companion numerous times to read and reread the survival guide sections for the first week and the first two months. I experienced extreme soreness for the first four weeks of Sir Eats Alot’s life and even went tor a lactation consultation because I could not seem to improve our situation by myself. It is so important to have the nursing support to successfully breastfeed, whether it’s your first or eighth! Books provide an easily accessible resource the first few weeks of building our nursing relationship when new moms may not be up for much more than a shower or quick stretch.
I love the expanded sections of the survival guides. The chapters on pumping and reviews of nursing pumps are great and the safety of drugs during nursing is a very important addition to the book. All breastfeeding mothers should have this book on their shelf and close to their favorite nursing nook.
In addition to owning a great breastfeeding book, always remember that La Leche League or lactation consultants are there to assist you too.
The Nursing Mother’s Companion is published by The Harvard Common Press and is available in paperback at any major book retailer for $14.95 or less depending upon the seller.

Breast feeding is the still the best choice of natural nutrients to provide to the infants. Unless the mother has not enough milk, else we all encourage all mothers to breastfeed their children for strong immune system and healthier diet.