We don’t promote a lot of kitchen products on The Fashionable Bambino (TFB), however, since it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month it only seems fitting to mention different products that are giving back to Breast Cancer research, prevention and awareness.
Macy’s is featuring KitchenAid Electrics, Cook for the Cure Edition products. These products include a blender, stand mixer and hand mixer – all pink of course! Therefore, if you or someone you know needs one of these items let them know that not only are they promoting and supporting Breast Cancer Awareness, they are also on sale.
KitchenAid 5 Speed Blender Regular $150 Sale $119.99
As part of their Cook for the Cure® program, KitchenAid will donate $15 for each pink blender purchased and registered* to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
*During 2009, KitchenAid is proud to donate a minimum of $500,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in conjunction with its pink product collection. Consumers must register each pink product purchased at www.CookfortheCure.com to generate a donation.
Cook for the Cure® is a trademark of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®
KitchenAid Hand Mixer 7 Speed Regular $80.00 Sale $69.99
As part of their Cook for the Cure® program, KitchenAid will donate $7 for each pink hand mixer purchased and registered* to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
*During 2009, KitchenAid is proud to donate a minimum of $500,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in conjunction with its pink product collection. Consumers must register each pink product purchased at www.CookfortheCure.com to generate a donation. Cook for the Cure® is a trademark of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®
KitchenAid Stand Mixer Regular $399 Sale $299 (Rebate Offer – by selecting your choice of attachments on qualifying items like this one you can receive a rebate form)
As part of their Cook for the Cure® program, KitchenAid will donate $50 for each pink stand mixer purchased and registered* to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
*In 2010, KitchenAid is proud to donate a minimum of $350,000 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in conjunction with its pink product collection.
Consumers must register each pink product purchased at www.CookfortheCure.com to generate a donation
Cook for the Cure® is a trademark of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®
So consider a KitchenAid Electrics, Cook for the Cure Edition for an early Christmas gift, just in time for Holiday cooking and you’ll be helping a great cause. Every time you use one of your KitchenAid Electrics you will think about the many men and women you will have helped. (Yes, men can get breast cancer too!)

that sounds like a sizable chunk of the purchase price to be donating. .I’m impressed. It is a greatly needed cause though and the Komen foundation is awesome. I like having Macys coupon codesto use online to help relieve the shipping cost.
I just found more Macys discounts
available today, columbus day, for clearance items. . .going on a treasure hunt!!