Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
For a dozen years, James has been both big brother and surrogate parent to his siblings. Trusting God to lead his path, James has done his best to honor his deceased parents as he’s raised his two brothers and a sister. Now, as youngest brother Bobby is about to turn 16, everyone returns to the family home to celebrate at a waterslide park—and to finally hear the reading of their parents’ will.
Bringing Up Bobby is a quirky story of family, identity, and faith that isn’t afraid to show that life can get muddled. And when it does, there usually aren’t easy answers to all of the questions.
Watch the trailer below:
Our family really enjoyed Bringing Up Bobby this movie made us all laugh. It’s a really funny comedy and my children have watched 3-4 times already and have even asked to watch it again. (Sometimes getting product to review has it’s downfall too! Insert wry smile here). My children liked how the filmmakers portrayed each of the characters. This movie does a wonderful job of portraying the ups and downs of family dynamics through four siblings. We were impressed.
The quality of Bringing Up Bobby is not bad at all. The trailer to Bringing Up Bobby makes it look sillier than it really is, as it lumps all the silly parts into the one trailer when really they are sprinkled throughout the entire movie. So if you have a decent sense of humor and are in need of a good laugh, you are bound to enjoy this family friendly movie.
There is a spiritual side to this film as each character is on his or her own faith journey. What we liked is that each sibling in the movie shows us their true colors from the money hungry to the liar. In the end though, only a couple of them truly discover how to triumph over life’s difficulties and personal weakness. This is a film for the whole family.
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