2010 The Year of Mens Accessories – Snag the Hottest Styles for Holiday Gifts, Just $15 from TheTieBar.com: 1 inch Tie Bar, Knitted Skinnies, and Wool Ties
The tie in the photo above is not from Tie Bar.
2010 was the year of accessories in men’s fashion and the holidays are a perfect opportunity to ensure men get these must-have styles before the year’s end. Be the star gift-giver for introducing your family/friends to the best kept secret in men’s accessories with items from The Tie Bar’s collection of sizzling styles for just $15 each, including the one inch tie bar, knitted skinnies and wool ties. Renowned for its extensive selection of $15 silk ties, The Tie Bar offers new favorites that will please friends and family, and your wallet. Lead Designer Greg Shugar suggests the following for 2010 holiday gift buying:
1 Inch Tie Bar, $15
One of the most innovative and popular accessories of 2010, the one inch tie bar has put an end to wearing oversized ties bars with skinny ties and is THE must-have men’s accessory of the year. TheTieBar.com’s one inch tie bar was featured on the cover of GQ magazine and has been seen on celebrities such as Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Lautner. Crafted from sturdy, polished metal there are 4 styles available – Silver Shot, Gold Slide Clasp, Silver Shot Slide Clasp, One Incher Slide Clasp.
Snag the one inch tie bar here for only $15!
The Tie Bar’s new knit skinny tie (in 10 different colors) is a perfect style choice for winter months. The texture and durability of the knitted fabric makes this tie extremely versatile, and gives any outfit an updated look.
10 styles available (with 12 more on their way) – Black, Sky, Blue, Hunter Green, Red, Baby Pink, Navy/Pink Stripe, Black/Red Stripe, Blue/Gold Stripe, Royal/White Stripe
Check out all the styles here for just $15 each, http://www.thetiebar.com/categoryPages/Skinny_Ties_Knit.asp
Nothing compares to a wool tie except maybe a skinny wool tie, the perfect update to a classic style. The wool tie is an ideal gift for any man, young or old, trendy or traditional.
11 styles available (9 more will be available by the holidays) – College Stripe Wool (Charcoal/Royal, Navy/Lavender, Black/Charcoal), Solid Wool (Chocolate Brown, Burgundy. Gray, Black, Navy), Wool Stripe (Navy, Black), Glen H. Plaid Wool
A fantastic gift option for $15!