Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
P&G/Walmart has brought back their family movie night featuring movies that are family friendly. This Saturday Walmart will be featuring “Change of Plans” which we had the privilege of previewing.
Change of Plans is about a career couple whose lives and careers take a unexpected turn when four children come to live with them. Former American Idol star Brooke White stars as a lead actress.
We really liked this movie. It was heartfelt and entertaining. This is a movie of a family dealing with real life situations as they are learning to live together and love each other through their every day life. All of the characters are faced with a “Change of Plans”.
You can watch the trailer below:
Be sure to watch the NEW Family Movie Night movie, “Change of Plans” when it premieres on FOX this Saturday, 1/8/2011; 7pm CST!
Be sure to check out the following links:
1. Family Movie Night website:
2. Facebook:
3. YouTube: