Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Normally I don’t use diaper pails. I have found that most diaper pails don’t work and they are just a waste of space. But, I was pleasantly surprised that the new Diaper Pail by Munchkin actually works! This diaper pail comes fully assembled, has a self sealing system, can be used with only one hand, and each bag holds up to 25 diapers. The diaper pail by Munchkin contains 1 pail and 3 bag refills. And it is preferred by moms 2-1 over Diaper Genie II (That was a independent in home study with 100 moms.Diaper Genie II is a registered trademark of platex products, LLC and is not affiliated with Munchkin.)
This diaper pail has NO smell thanks to the fact that Arm and Hammer baking powder takes away all the odor. So, it has complete odor control.
I really, really, really like this diaper pail by Munchkin. Our children thought it looked like R2D2 from Star Wars and they really love putting diapers in “R2D2”. The only thing I didn’t like about this diaper pail is that you have to buy the special bags for it. I would much rather use a regular garbage bag then have to buy the diaper refills.
For more information or to purchase the Diaper Pail by Munchkin please visit Munchkin here. To purchase diaper bag refills visit Munchkin here.