Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Looking for nice baby shower invitations, thank you notes or birth announcements? Papeterie Baby offers a large variety of custom options to moms-to-be and their families.
We received a sample pack of cards and each one is well made on sturdy semi gloss card stock that is available in digital and letterpress formats. They look very classy. They are in the middle range price wise, but still much cheaper than going to the card stand at a retail store. There is a variety of styles and prints available for boys and girls, but not too many gender neutral, if that is a look you gravitate towards.
Birth Announcements start at $40.00 for a set of 20
Baby Shower Invites start at $12.99 for a set of 12
Thank You Cards start at $8.50 for a set of 10
Birthday Invitations start at $35 for a set of 20
About Papeterie Baby
Founded in 2010 by Kimberly and Patrick Chiu, Papeterie Baby is a collection of whimsical, fun, bold and bright stationery items for parents and baby. Offering a selection of letterpress and digital print papeterie items, Papeterie Baby is a customizable and easy on the eyes and wallet stationery option for parents everywhere. With years of design experience, Papeterie Baby comes from the same design team that provides Papeterie, the classic and elegant wedding stationery. Visit for a full list of products.

Oooh my friend is having a baby this summer-these might work out perfectly for her! Thanks for the post!!