Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation
Another wonderful addition to the Veggie Tales Library! This new release called “Happy Together†contains over 80 minutes of fun! Our veggie tales pals Bob and Larry take us through 3 classic stories about friendship, faith and family in this DVD!
Our family truly enjoyed the stories on the Veggies Tales Happy Together
DVD! There are three stories on this DVD 1.) Sheerluck Homes and the Golden Ruler (story about friendship) 2.) Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen (story a bout faith) 3.) The Grapes of Wrath (story of family).
One thing that made this DVD unique from other Veggie Tale films that we have viewed is the “Veggie Kids†segment. This segment shares funny, touching thoughts from real children who share their perspective on true happiness. Then to top it all off the DVD includes 3 “Happy Songs†from the ever-popular Silly Song series ~ Pants, Dance of the Cucumber, and Larry sings the Blues!
Again this is a wonderful addition to any video library! You can find out more about the Veggie Tale world and this product at