Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
The Blessing Bank is a beautiful wood bank made of birch ($30 value). It is also made right here in the USA. I am all for fair trade and fair wages, however, during the current economic distress of our own country, it is good to support USA made products as well, if not more so.
The idea behind the Blessing Bank is to teach children to give and that it is a blessing to give, whether to the church or some other organization who helps those in need.
We received the girls version of The Blessing Bank and it has an alternating wooden cross and angel on the sides. The boys version has an alternating wood cross and icthus. We gave our go-go boy the bank we received, but I don’t think any of our boys think that angels are a “girl” thing. Money goes in the slot on the top and comes out through a hole in the bottom, which has a rubber stopper that is easy to take out and put back in again.
We also received three little blessing bags ($2.50 each), which I gave to my older girls to keep their tithing money in. They are alot better than in envelopes they have been using. They tend to seal those only to rip open when it is time to officially give their money away. This little canvas bag has a draw string closure. It is simply decorated with a stamped scripture verse, the words “Little Blessing Bag” and logo. Very user friendly for children of all ages, but I would still be careful with both the bank and the bag with younger children who still put things into their mouth. There are several bag options available, each with a different verse.
In addition to these two items, Blessing Bank, Inc. offers ceramic and silver banks as well.
Right now Blessing Banks has this offer:
Free shipping on orders over $10.00