Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Blamtastic is a company started by two young girls, who also happen to be sisters. With the encouragement and support of their mother, this 12 and 10 year old have continued to grow their lip balm business to stretch across the USA and Canada. I just love their entrepreneurial spirits and I am quite impressed with this trio, especially since I am also a mom who wants to encourage both children to reach for their dreams.
Back to the product at hand though. We received nearly every flavor of Blamtastic, except for Bubblegum and our children LOVE them! Of course they have their favorites, but I no one has said, “Ewwww, I am not putting THAT on!” Not only does this lip balm taste great, it works too.
One of my children sat next to me before mealtime and I asked what they had been eating since it was so close to dinner and a couple of the other children chuckled and said, “Mommy, it’s the lip balm!” I laughed and said, “You smell good enough to eat!”
No more fighting with the children to put lip balm on their chapped lips, Blamtastic makes children want to wear lip balm it tastes and smells that delicious!
Blamtastic is free of nasty parabens and petroleum. The Sandler sisters are very aware of the ingredients they put into their lip balm. The only possible icky ingredients our family noticed are the dyes, which are listed last. They have a SPF of 15.
The packaging and the names of each flavor are very appealing to children. Our children loved reading the names of the flavors and seeing which flavors held their favorite colors, which is categorized for boys and girls. Quite fun for children actually. At least ours thought it was fun. Here are some examples of names: Frenetic Fizz (Orange Soda), Brain Squeeze (Sour Cherry), Ballistic Balm (Blue/Razz) Sassafrassy Root Beer, Strawberry Shake, Cherry Nilla and more.
Our family loved lip balm by Blamtastic! Two thumbs up from us.
Blamtastic sells for $2.99 each. There is also a Blamtastic sleeve that has a clip to prevent children from losing their lip balm. It may be also be purchased for $2.99.