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Those of you with little boys probably have found out how hard they can be on clothing, pants to be exact. I don’t know how many pairs of pants our boys go through because the knees wear out due to crawling on around on the floor or ground. Yeah, ripped and torn jeans are “in” and it doesn’t matter at home if they wear ripped pants, however, for going out and special occasions I still prefer non-ripped clothing because I think it makes the children look neat and tidy.
I like to shop the sales/clearance racks, thrift stores and garage sales for most of my children’s clothing. It is also very nice when friends pass along clothing, especially boys clothing because then I can swap out ripped and badly stained clothing for better items.
Tomorrow a friend is doing just that, dropping off some clothes for our two younger boys. I am grateful and look forward to picking out new clothing for them.
What about you, do you have any stories about your boys, their play or their clothing? Or even your preferences for the style and look of boys clothing?