Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
The Doodle Roll is a nifty new product that would be great for road trips, birthday party favors or when friends come over to play. It is a roll of paper 15′ or 30′ ft long and a four pack of crayons. That is all there is to this little package.
About Imagination Brands, LLC
The Doodle Roll Activity Kit was invented by parents Diana and Marc Cooper. Their vision was to develop a platform that enabled their children and others a way to expand and express their creativity and imagination by providing a way for kids to learn to express their ideas while having fun doing so. With US production capabilities, their goal is to offer safe, useful and fun products made in and environmentally and socially responsible way, that feed every child’s imagination. Just like there is no limit to the fun and imaginative ways to use the Doodle Roll, Diana and Marc never stop thinking of innovative and creative ways to expand the Doodle Roll line of products.
Visit to meet “The Doodles†and for creative doodling ideas, fun games and other Doodle Roll products.
My Review
My younger children really liked drawing using the Doodle Roll last Saturday. It kept them occupied and otherwise entertained for a good while. It is a good product. As I stated above, I think it would be especially good for road or day trips etc. as there is a decent amount of paper on it, but not enough for an extended drawing session. Especially if you have budding artists like I do and who seem to go through a lot of paper in any given day. 😉
It would be a great thing just to have in my purse for when we are at an appointment and I needed to keep little hands occupied. The roll would keep the paper safe and unwrinkled.
The package was very easy for the children to open and close. It is very easy to unroll and tear off. I think it would have been easier for kids if there had been perforated lines they could tear. I missed the fact that I could use the EZ tear edge of the package….oops. As it was I tore off the sections of paper for the children to save on any arguments. I also had them share the crayons since we received the one package. That is why I saved it for the younger ones while the older ones went to a history conference with their dad. It gave them something special and new to do since they had to stay home with baby and me.
The Doodle Roll is an inexpensive convenience item at $4.99 and great for younger and older children who may want to play Hang Man or Tic Tack Toe.
We give this product two thumbs up!