Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Art appreciation is important because it develops a sense of pride and interest in the world around us. Children are very curious. Following their lead and interest in life creates a natural way to enhance a child’s education, no matter how you school your children.
Most children like to draw and start at a very young age. We have had a couple of children leave their signature (a little 2-3 year old drawing of a person) all over our house – on the walls, the window sills and even our oak hutch. At the time it was not very funny, but we have fond memories of finding those childish people now. As our children grow older, they continue to love to draw and color, yes, even our teens!
Our Review
One of our older children and a younger child actually reviewed the See The Light DVD we received. They found it very instructive and looked very sweet sitting in front of the computer to watch it together. Their drawings were fabulous in my humble opinion as their mom (who tends to look pretty critical at most things!).
Sample from one of the lessons:
Here’s what our second born said:
“I think the See The Light Art Lessons are very instructive. I like them very much. I really like that they were Christian and were easy to understand. I would like to get more of them.”
Our seven and a half year old son said, “They were cool and interesting. I learned to make apples like my sister. “
Two thumbs up from us!
Every 15-20 minute lesson teaches kids of all ages how to draw
Impassioned to teach in a fun and unique way, See The Light founder (Pat Holt) set out to develop a children’s art education DVD series that was compelling enough for today’s child and affordable for today’s parents and educators. Featuring art teacher and master artist, Pat Knepley, the ART CLASS DVD series (9-disk set; 36 lessons) integrates progressive art tutorials with art history
appreciation and Biblical truths. Along with their personal instructor, Pat, children will learn step-by-step how to draw without the necessity of a workbook or expensive art supplies. Finally, parents do not have to be art experts to teach their children art instruction and appreciation!
Art Class Promo-hs from Kip Perry on Vimeo.
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