Mother’s Day was last week, did your family impress you with their love and affection? Mine did as they gave me a dozen roses, body lotion, chewing gum, homemade cards and gifts. Not to forget the precious gifts of quiet, rest and time to read two books that were sitting on my shelf!
Do you ever wonder what you do to impress your family? Last Sunday, I didn’t think of asking them why they love me so much, so I did that today and here are a few ways they said I impress them:
1. Being able to do everything, like, get the house cleaned and make dinner at the same time. (Oldest daughter)
2. Working from home, getting the children to do their chores and home schooling on top of it. My husband still doesn’t know how I do it all. One word: Multitasking.
3. Being able to run all the businesses I run (I have three little ones on the go right now.) (My second oldest daughter)
4. Loving all my children. (My third oldest daughter)
5. Being able to take care of a high demands baby, in addition to the other seven. (My oldest son and husband)
This list of “impressive” mom things really did not surprise me. The thing is most of the time I do not even think about all that I do, I just do it because I have to/or have chosen to. I realize not everyone is going to have eight children, home school, run a business(es) etc. It is only when someone mentions or asks how I do it all, does it really register that I probably do have a lot more on my plate than most. But really, when you consider all that moms do for their families, all moms are “supermoms” because of the sacrifices we make for others on a daily basis. Mothers equals love ten times over.
So how are you dazzling your family with your supermom moves? Would love to hear them!
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