Ok, I know I already said it, but really we just went through our second 93 degree day here in Chicagoland and have another on its way tomorrow (which will be today actually). It’s unbelievable that we are helping at an organic farm on one of the hottest weeks of the year. I have been concerned about the children and heat stroke because the farm does not have many trees around to offer any sort of shade. The van offers shade, but not much coolness unless there’s a good breeze. So I wanted to share with some ways we are staying cool and avoiding heat or sun stroke, so you can too.
If you find yourself in a place or at an event where there isn’t much shade, try these five ways to stay cool this summer:
1. Drink lots of iced cold water (and remember to treat yourself to a lemonade now and then!) Always remember to carry a cooler with ice and water. You never know when you can break down on a hot summer day or get stuck in traffic and have your AC konk out etc. Children especially need to be watched and monitored if the heat index is high. Make sure they get lots to drink and are cooled down often.
2. Water activities. Such as swimming, playing in the hose, water balloon fights or simply pouring water over your head and shoulders should be enough to cool a person down. Cool cloths on your forehead and neck are ways to cool quickly. Once at home an air conditioned home and a cool bath are other ways to stay cool.
3. Fans. Run those fans. Even hand held battery operated ones or paper fans are effective in bringing relief from being over-heated.
4. Cool treats like iced lemonade, healthy slushies or popsicles made of 100% juice or fruit are very refreshing and are a cool treat to reward yourself for even daring to brave the heat on a hot day.
5. Wear lightweight clothing and light colored. You all know that dark clothing attracts the heat, right? Skirts and dresses offer a reprieve from your otherwise “hot” wardrobe, so wear them on the days with the highest temperatures.
Bonus: Staying home in the AC is my husband’s idea of staying cool, so I thought I would stick it in here. It is the best plan if you do not have to be anywhere important. After all the health and safety of your family should come first before any other activity.
Stay cool and be safe this summer!