The other day on Facebook I asked if we had any expectant moms, we had only two respond out of 1200 or more followers. Anyone not on Facebook but currently pregnant feel free to comment on this post. So far Hollywood has more babies due than our Fashionable Bambino followers/readers!
In late May, a popular celebrity blog took a look at their 10 (yes you read that correctly) favorite pregnant celebrities. From Kate Hudson to Natalie Portman, Hollywood is in the midst of a baby boom. These celebrity mommies-to-be are very excited about their pregnancies. Wait until you hear what Alyssa Milano has to say!
Alyssa Milano said, “I’ve had such a great time being pregnant that you’re probably going to see me more pregnant than not in the next few years because I’m really digging it.” Isn’t that great?
Other celebrities featured were Jessica Alba, January Jones, Maya Rudolph, Kate Hudson, Natalie Portman, Selma Blair, Victoria
Beckham, Pink, and Melanie Brown – complete with quotes from the proud expecting ladies.
I think it is wonderful that so many celebrities are embracing motherhood.
Source: Celebrity Baby Scoops’ “A Look At 10 Pregnant Celebrities”