Ugh. Summer colds! Nobody likes them, but we all get them at least once in the summer. So what’s a mom supposed to do? Here are five easy tips to get rid of your child’s summer cold.
1) Drink Vitamin C. Vitamin C will help shorten the length of a cold. Try drinking cold drinks such as orange juice or grapefruit juice
2) Pick up a pack Kids-EEZE soft chews. They target coughs and sinus congestion, the main symptoms of a cold or hay fever. It comes in delicious summer flavors like grape!
3) Use a humidifier. These work great in summer because they do not add any additional heat to the room and it cleanses the air.
4) Use honey if you have a sore throat. It is one of the best remedies for a cold. Try adding honey to every day meals such as pancakes or to your ice tea.
5) Get plenty of rest. Whether you are sick or not, a good night’s sleep will always improve a person’s overall health.
What are your tips for getting rid of a summer cold?