Technology is changing the book industry. Brick and mortar bookstores are disappearing at an alarming rate to book lovers. Amazon has the monopoly and Apple has it on the digital front. Children’s books as well as books for grownups may now be downloaded with the click of a button.
I am a little behind in my technology gadgets. I do not own an iPhone, iPod (although my oldest daughter just purchased one so I will be learning more about it since she is so excited!); nor do I have an iPad, but they sure look like a neat techie gadget.
The more we advance in technology, the more likely our children are to be learning via these techie products. So digital books will take on a new flavor for the upcoming generation.
There is a new children’s digital story book on the Appstore that uses soul music to teach children character traits.
“A Song for Miles” guides children on a colorful and engaging musical journey. Through the lyrics of soul songs by artists like Stevie Wonder, Earth, Wind, and Fire and Marvin Gaye children learn the meaning of determination, kindness, and love. “A Song for Miles” nurtures children’s inquisitive nature and love of music and sounds, all while teaching valuable lessons and the importance of having good character.
“A Song for Miles” links with a school-based character education curriculum. The story creatively aligns with character traits such as initiative, compassion, civility, respect, empathy, responsibility, and perseverance. Character development is an integral part of raising respectful and happy children and “A Song for Miles” appeals to parents as it creates a platform for values discussions. Children enjoy the colorful pages while parents and music lovers appreciate the musical content and paying tribute to their favorite soul music artists.
This digital book is beautifully illustrated with real to life pictures as you will see in the video below:
“A Song for Miles” is available for sale online on the Apple AppStore for download on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. “A Song for Miles” can be found by searching for “Song for Miles” in the AppStore or by visiting
About the Author
Tiffany Russell, Ph.D. earned her Master’s degree in African American Studies at Temple University and her doctorate in Educational Policy Studies from Georgia State University. She has written for most of her life, and “A Song for Miles”, inspired by her 3-year old son, is her first digital storybook. Dr. Russell resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and son and she is currently at work on two projects: her second digital storybook, “Dance, Olivia, Dance” (winter 2011) and an anthology of narratives written by Black women who attended elite private schools entitled “Colored Me: Black Women Shout from the Ivory Tower” (Echo House Publications).