Should you let your little darling have a balance bike? It’s a question many parents ask. According to, the authority on bikes for kids, balance is best—and here’s why:
Reason #1, Smooth Transition: Kids rely on tricycle wheels as a crutch—with balance bikes, they learn to steady their bodies and the bike through balance, making it easier to transition to a two-wheeler with pedals when they’re ready.
Reason #2, Less Boo-Boo’s: When the bike becomes unbalanced, kids can plant both feet on the ground to stop themselves—there are no pedals that get in the way.
Reason #3, Get Motoring: Balance bikes help flex motor skills such as repetitive movement and reciprocal motion.
Reason #4, Feel Like a Big Kid: Bikers-in-training will know they accomplished riding without crutches, fostering feelings of self-confidence.
Reason #5, Build a Strong Body: The art of balancing requires working the whole body—a great form of exercise for kids.
So, after reading this list are you going to let your child have a balance bike?
You can buy a balance bike on the web at