CHOOZE are different. Always. The right shoe is never the same as the left allowing children to celebrate their individuality and CHOOZE which shoes they want to wear. CHOOZE shoes are made with 100% vegan materials and no shoe is ever the same.
Chooze also supports charity and the help families make the journey from poverty to self-sufficiency. And CHOOZE shoes teamed up with Soles4Souls to give kids the chance to practice their creativity and create a difference. CHOOZE is looking for a design to be the ‘Create a Difference’ shoe, which will be sold worldwide with all profits going towards the Soles4Souls micro-enterprise program. The Soles4Souls micro-enterprise program is a charitable program designed to provide impoverished people in developing nations with the resources to start and maintain their own businesses.
How it works:
Each child submits two pieces of art (one for each shoe since CHOOZE shoes are always two coordinating fabrics.) Fabrics will be created from the winner’s art and the ‘Create a Difference’ shoes will be sold worldwide recognizing the winner as the primary designer.
Visit the site to enter here.

Great work for the needy people! Those shoes are so cute!