Jessica Alba just launched The Honesty Company. This is an eco-friendly line of family essentials offered through a monthly subscription service at Created for parents by parents, The Honest Company is committed to making safe, sustainable products more convenient, beautiful, and affordable.
Jessica Alba wanted to form this company when she discovered that many so-called ‘eco-brand’ products continued to use ‘toxic chemicals’ and were merely packaged in more easily recyclable packaging.
She named the company after her daughter Honor and the website is based around a subscription model. That will provide consumers with with monthly deliveries of baby products such as nappies, shampoo and laundry detergent.
We are so excited for this brand new company! It has such a great mission and is something that will meet a real need. Visit for more information.

That looks like a great idea! I guess we can trust Ms. Alba with this one; after all, she is a mom and she knows what moms want for their babies.
Well !! Good for her !! What else can I say !! 😀