Little girls love shopping with mom, but they certainly put a strain on our budgets with their demands for tutus, new slippers, and don’t even mention their pleas to have makeup just like mommy!
1. Bring them shopping
It might not be our favorite thing in the world, however if they are more involved with the buying of their clothes they will be excited to wear them plus you can teach them how to save at a young age!
2. Shop flash sales
Sign up for email alerts from sights like Ideeli and HauteLook, since almot all are expanding their products to more children’s clothes, toys and shoes. You can also check out children’s attire and gear sites such as Zulily, Totsy, BabySteals and KidSteals.
3. Buy basics in advance
When new seasons roll around hit those clearance racks! Shop for next seasons t-shirts, jeans, socks, pajamas, and undies buying a size larger so that you can save time and money later on.
4. Try consignment stores
Consignment shops and thrift stores are great ways to buy and donate gently used clothing. You can find big brand name clothing for $5.00 or less. Be sure to check for their sale dates as well.
5. Host a clothing swap
Gather other parents with children and ask everyone to bring clothes to swap. You can organize the clothes via size and sex and swap away! Be sure to assign different size bags according to what people have brought and set limits to make everything fair.
6. Use coupons
Kohl’s, Children’s Place, Gymboree, Osh’Gosh, and Target hand out monthly coupons via e-mail or instores that can be up to 40% off your total purchase. Be sure to follow deal blogs via social media pages to get the best deals on your child’s wardrobe! Who knows, you might even find a deal for mom or dad too!
7. Take care
Be sure to take care of your children’s clothing and shoes. Don’t let them leave their winter gear lying around, teach them to pick up after themselves and to treat their clothing with respect.
Thanks to Masie Knowles for these awesome money saving tips.