Everyone is dying there hair now a-days. Pop icon Selena Gomex, Gwen Stefani’s son Kingston Rossdale and Will Smith’s daughter Willow Smith, are all constantly changing the color of their hair. And I know that my kids are obssessed as well. (My two youngest girls are into the pink hair trend thanks to removable hair dye)
Kids everywhere want to stand out with their hair and follow the trends, but parents approval? That can be a problem.  With the commitment of hair dye, we parents don’t always love the idea of their children drastically and permanently changing their look.
A solution to this problem?  SHE by SO.CAP.USA allows tweens and young adults to get the popular color and styles they want in a way that mom and dad will approve. They offer clip-in extensions in over ninety colors, SHE by SO.CAP.USA is a  commitment-free way to let any tween color their hair and get the look they want.
SHE by SO.CAP.USA’s clip-in extensions also cost as little as $12 per strands, making it wallet friendly for both parents and kids. You can find them at- socapusa.com