It’s easy to get caught in the hustle and bustle of life. Even more so to forget exactly why we love motherhood and why it is such a privilege; amongst the spilled milk, messy hair, and missed soccer games.
Not every day in motherhood will be easy. We will get puked on, children will throw tantrums in the middle of Walmart, and our husbands will forget to bring home milk.
Still, in the midst of all the chaos take a step back and remember why you love being a mom. Take a look at the smiling faces who make your world go round and count all the ways you love them.
The sticky kisses, little arms going around your neck after a long day, the drawings left on your desk, the good days when dinner is on time and the house is clean, the cuddles before bed, and the flowers picked just for you by little hands.
Celebrate being a mom, celebrate the little things. Learn to let go a little, having a clean house is nice but don’t put it a few scattered toys above your happiness. Getting stressed out is no fun anyways.
Remember the little things, because when your children are grown that’s all they’ll remember about you as a mother. And eventually they’re going to grow up and you’ll find yourself longing for the days of sticky kisses and scattered legos.

My baby (son) is going to be 14 in September and he was sick the other night and wanted to lay his head in my lap and for me to make him feel better- I had a lot to do but he may not want me to make him feel better when he is sick for very much longer! So yes I put off everything else and rubbed his head(;
So sad and yet a lot of fun to look back on their lives as little people but so sad seeing them grown into big ones too, cherish every single second, because it flies by!
Thanks for the reminder(;
I feel blessed that I don’t have a stressful, demanding job anymore. This way when my son needs me, I can attend to him when he’s sick or happy.
Great post, we always need that little reminder!
Love your post! It is so easy to get caught up in the everyday that we forget about the blessings in our lives.
Totally agree! We do need to slow down and take in every moment!